Robot lawyer will fight for you with bureaucracy

Robot lawyer will fight for you with bureaucracy

The United States is a country of democracy, where every citizen has the right to fair treatment from the legal system. Unfortunately, the reality does not always match expectations. Struggle with something as simple as a Parking ticketcan be a minefield of complicated and obscure rules, which seem to have been specifically designed to complicate the life of ordinary US citizens. When people don’t handle legal problems, comes to the aid of a robot lawyer.

The bot, dubbed DoNotPay, was created by a student at Stanford University named Joshua Browder. His trials were held in major Metropolitan areas such as new York and Seattle, as well as in the UK, and in each case, the robot showed great results.

Robot lawyer will fight for you with bureaucracy

The bot is extremely easy to use, all you need to do is explain to him what kind of help you need to deal with penalties for speeding and Parking or to demand compensation for damage if you have purchased a defective product (and this is just some of the features of this wonderful machine). The robot will ask you some questions, after which he will draw up a letter, the contents of which depends on your problem.

For example, if you require to return your money, the robot will refer to the laws and regulations that confirm your claim, or if you dispute a fine for speeding, he will indicate in the letter that you can’t face your accuser (for that camera) and to insist that the charges were dropped.

This may seem silly, but the robot has a pretty impressive track record: the losers in the two years since its inception it has managed to achieve the abolition of 375 000 in penalties. So, if you have forgotten your receipt with a fine, which you do not too want to pay, try to ask for help to the bot-lawyer, because it may well solve your little problem.
