The authorities in new York want to force residents to pay for garbage collection

The authorities in new York want to force residents to pay for garbage collection

The new Yorkers produce a lot of garbage. Any area in the city is literally littered with countless bags filled with waste, and they would have long ago swallowed the Big Apple, if the sanitation Department had not taken it for free.

However, garbage of generosity could soon come to an end. Currently, the sanitation Department is working to finalize the contract with Resource Recycling Systems, which would focus on programmes that encourage the people of new York to pay more attention to recycling. Recycling rates in the city is 17%, which is two times less than the national average, and it is a very sad fact. Two possible methods of solving the problem and improve this indicator is to sell to the people of new York special packages for common waste as well as in the introduction of tax benefits for those who properly recycles their waste.

The authorities in new York want to force residents to pay for garbage collection

The people of new York are not only a terrible attitude to recycling, but also create so much garbage that the city authorities spend a fortune to keep the situation under control. According to the report of the Committee on budget citizens from 2015, the sanitation Department spends more than $ 1.5 billion. to collect garbage, and this amount does not include the cost of services of private enterprises for waste disposal.

In other words, the new Yorkers were so careless with their garbage, which the city authorities had no choice but to begin to charge residents to maintain cleanliness. Perhaps the initiative will be an important step on the way to make the city better.
