Therapeutic «salt cave» opens in East Village

Therapeutic «salt cave» opens in East Village

This summer, residents of new York, suffering from diseases of the respiratory system, will have the opportunity to try an alternative method of treatment, as in the East Village on East 10th Street opened first in new York Himalayan «salt cave».

Shannon Coppola, the Creator of the company, Montauk Salt Cave was convinced of the effectiveness of this method when medical care took her young son, which did not help either the surgeon or the standard methods for the relief of symptoms. «Salt cave», in fact, is a room whose walls are nested Himalayan salt. In addition, the air in this room is filled with minute particles of the same salt, which have anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effectthat relieves patients. Thus, the time in the «salt cave» improves the condition of the lungs and Airways.

Therapeutic «salt cave» opens in East Village

The air in the room is healing, as it is a lot of useful minerals necessary for our body such as calcium, magnesium and iron. When visiting the «salt caves», you can easily replenish your supply of these minerals.

However, some scientists put the healing properties of salt under doubt. The Fund asthma and Allergy of America warn that research supporting the effectiveness of this method is scarce, and asthma and do better to avoid such places, because the concentration of salts in the air can worsen their symptoms. American Association lung health recommends that patients consult with their doctors before visiting the salt caves. At the same time there acknowledge that such an alternative method of treatment may be useful.

To feel the miraculous effects of Himalayan salt (or to refute her revalued benefits) will have to pay $40 for a 45-minute Wellness session.
