The man received a package that was ordered 14 years ago

The man received a package that was ordered 14 years ago

If you ever ordered something online, you know the feeling of expectation and anxiety that your parcel can be delayed or, God forbid, be lost. Sometimes these orders do crash somewhere for a few days, and sometimes disappear without a trace. But it happens that the product still finds his client after decade after purchase.

It happened with a resident of salt lake city, Dave Taggart, which on July 11 got a package sent to him 14 years ago. Inside was a posterthat he ordered back in 2003.
Now Dave lives with his wife and their small family hobby is collecting paintings. In their house you can see many art objects, but the man did not know that he can complete your collection for one more instance.

The man received a package that was ordered 14 years ago

When he returned home a couple of weeks ago, Dave found on the kitchen table, a cardboard tube with his name in the «Recipient». The man surprised looking at a surprise, because he didn’t order anything lately. When he looked closer to the date of sending, and all were amazed. The postal service took 14 years to give him the poster. Dave already had forgotten that he had ordered a sign for his clinic for $8,50.

A man looks at the whole situation with humor: «Good thing I didn’t order a kidney, because it just would not come in time.»

At the same time, a new tag with information about the recipient indicates that the loss has been found recently. Still to praise the delivery service UPS for their perseverance, because they did the job, albeit with such a terrible delay.
