The girl didn’t know what to do with myself waiting for the plane, so the good Samaritan 45 minutes showing her cartoons

Who frequently travels with children knows how difficult it is to take something child, if you have to wait in the airport lounge for your flight many hours. Especially if the child is active and playful.

Just a girl waiting for the plane in Oklahoma, pacing the waiting room. Inquisitive and friendly, she went up to each seated passenger, said Hello and smiled. Her father, Kevin Armentrout, a veteran of the marine corps, now a sports coach, watched it all from the outside, worrying about her safety.

But finally met a girl who I was looking for. That was further Armentrout wrote on Facebook:

«She went up to this man — a middle aged black. He reached out his hand and asked if she wanted to sit with him. He pulled out his tablet and showed her how to draw, together they watched cartoons and she offered him snacks. It was not a short exchange of greetings, it was 45 minutes of really light communication. Watching them in that moment, I couldn’t help thinking that they are different genders, different races, different generations. But they are best friends. This is the world I want for her.»

Armentrout, not only the coach and nutritionist, but a writer. He summarizes: «In a country that constantly say that she is so deeply divided beliefs, I want her life were filled with such moments … That her life was no longer liberals or conservatives, Republicans or Democrats, socialists or capitalists, but just PEOPLE.»

This post has collected 160 thousand FB likes, and 132 thousand reposts. Social network users are not just glad the case, but agreed with such simple thoughts of Armentrout, leaving 11 thousand comments. Many told of similar situations, where they themselves acted as a friend for someone else’s child in the road, and even babysitters.

For example, your story shared Roy Bowden: «It was an international 8-hour flight. The Japanese mother was screaming and could not calm down a small child. Many passengers were annoyed, and the poor mother had to manage with three kids. I took the screaming and he fell asleep in my arms. So we stayed together for 5 hours. When I landed, I took him out of the plane and was returned to her mother at customs. She tearfully thanked me. These 5 hours were tiring for me, but I was grateful that she allowed me to help.»

