Almost the hottest year

Almost the hottest year

The current year may become the warmest in history of meteorological observations. According to the National oceanic and atmospheric administration, the average temperature on the Earth from January to June was 57.9 degrees, which is 1.6 degrees higher than the twentieth century.

Now 2017-yy is set at the second position in the ranking of the hottest years in history. However, given that until its completion remains six months, experts believe that it can oust the past year with first place and set a new record for the entire history of observations conducted since 1880.

Now, the anomalous heat is observed in many States of the USA. For example, on 20 July was the warmest day of the year in new York. When the air temperature peaked at 95 degrees.

Scientists note that the most significant factor in increasing temperature of the planet remains the emissions of carbon dioxide, causing the greenhouse effect.
