Scientists have found 91 volcano under the ice in Antarctica

Scientists have found 91 volcano under the ice in Antarctica

Scientists have discovered 91 the volcanohidden beneath the massive ice, located in West Antarctica. It’s a brilliant opening, because it is now one of the world’s largest volcanic regions.

Discovered the accumulation of under-ice volcanoes may be recognized as the most dense area of the volcanoes in the world, rivaling even the East African region, where mount Kilimanjaro, say researchers from the University of Edinburgh.

Scientists have found 91 volcano under the ice in Antarctica

However, the discovery has generated new questions. In particular, it is not known whether the volcanoes still active?

«If one of these volcanoes erupted, it could further destabilize the glacial plates of West Antarctica», — said the publication of The Guardian, study co-author Robert Bingham. Melted ice could significantly increase the level of the sea.

The analysis was carried out using radar technology showed the presence of 178 cone-shaped formations of ice in the so-called West Antarctic rift system. The researchers determined that 138 of them are volcanoes, while 91 the volcano was discovered for the first time.

Scientists suggest that glaciers and, consequently, the ice cover on volcanoes, can lead to their activation, and thus the volcanoes should be a subject studied to prevent disaster.
