Russian media invented putinburg birthday of the President

Russian media invented putinburg birthday of the President

On Saturday Russia celebrated the birthday of its leader , Vladimir Putin. Videoagentstvo Ruptly decided to present his own gift, which was subsequently picked up by all media. Namely, to shoot a story about a cafe in new York, which allegedly serves a huge Burger, timed to the birthday of the President of the Russian Federation. The issue many have raised doubts, including in the Guardian, who decided to investigate the situation.

Lucy’s Cantina Royale would have been an ordinary Mexican restaurant in the heart of Manhattan, if not one «but». 7 Oct there was a video which said that in honour of Putin shestidesyatiletiya restaurant released a special Burger of incredible size with 5 meatballs and a weight of 1952 grams. This exact grammage chosen for a reason, because it is the year of birth of the head of the Russian Federation.

Russian media invented putinburg birthday of the President

In the television broadcast of Russia commented on released plot: «Not only foreign leaders wish the President of Russia happy birthday, but also ordinary citizens, with very original ways.»

In the story the waitress of the restaurant makes a huge Burger and says that for the past three years on this day they create a special dish. According to the girl, their restaurant believes Putin is an outstanding person, so a Burger should be and have impressive views. The VoiceOver claims that putinsburg really popular, and the institution a lot of wanting to photograph it for memory.

But it was the Guardian to speak directly to the press-service of the restaurant as they said that they know nothing about it, and assured that similar action was not carried out. «Our restaurant has never celebrated the birthday of Vladimir Putin in any way, and never offered putinburg – said Sean Ryan, a representative of the restaurant. – «Lucy» denies the statements made in videos that are untrue».

According to Ryan, the waitress who talks about miracle dish that works for them, and they knew about the ongoing shooting. The girl said she needed a video for a student project, so the restaurant did not even know what actually is the essence of the story.

Anna Belkina, head of communications company RT, which includes videoagentstvo Ruptly, said: «we Have no reason to doubt the authenticity of this story». Despite this, the story of petinsurgance on the Youtube channel of the original source anymore.

