Shepherd ran away from home and found the hospital where her owner was taken with the coronavirus

After her owner was hospitalized with coronavirus in Italy, it was looking for a dog named Stella.

As reported by Italian newspaper Il Messagero, the owner of a 7-year-old German shepherd was in intensive care after he contracted the disease.

After a few days, Stella ran away from home and travelled a few miles to the hospital in Pisa, where he subsequently died of her master.

Stella’s story was published in Facebook Sportella Tutella Animali, group for the protection of animals in the province of Pisa.

«The owner of Stella — one of the victims of this virus, — stated in the message. Since then, as he was taken away, it is deprived of rest»

** IMPORTANTE AGGIORNAMENTO **Stella avrà una nuova famiglia! Verrà adottata da un parente del defunto padrone, che si…

Geplaatst door Sportello Tutela Animali op Maandag 13 april 2020

Later members of the group wrote that a relative of the owner Stella decided to pick her up. But the group added that although Stella has found a new home, other animals still waiting to be «adopted.»

«Let’s not forget the many other dogs with the same sad stories that are waiting in shelters and catteries those who can give them love and a new family».

According to the tracker at the Johns Hopkins University, in Italy was more than 165 thousand confirmed cases COVID-19, more than 21 thousand people died, more than 38 thousand recovered.

After more than a month of quarantine some parts of the country are beginning to ease restrictions.

The Prime Minister of Italy, Giuseppe Conte said that the country «will remain at home» until may 3, but some businesses, including bookstores and children’s clothing stores, reopened. However, strict rules of hygiene and the number of clients will be applied to all these stores.
