Scientists have found out who is most actively carrying coronavirus in schools

Scientists have found out who is most actively carrying coronavirus in schools

Scientists have found out who is most actively carrying coronavirus in schoolsScientists have found out who is most actively carrying coronavirus in schools

Scientists from the University of California were able to find out who is the most active vector of coronavirus in schools, writes the weekly magazine Profile.

According to experts, in the fall, 40.7% of high school teachers can find COVID-19. In addition, the virus is expected to spread among older students more actively than among younger students. According to experts, this is due to the fact that children under 10 years old are generally less susceptible to infection: the chances of getting infected for them are half as much.

The authors of the study note that it will be possible to reduce the incidence if the number of students in each grade of secondary or high school is reduced to at least 10 people, and the youngest — to 20.

To date, the total number of cases of COVID-19 in the United States reaches 6.17 million.At least 187 thousand of them have become fatal.
