Twitter offered to users looking for «losers» Trump’s account

Twitter offered to users looking for «losers» Trump's account

On Saturday, Twitter users who entered the word “loser” or “loser” in the search bar saw a rather unusual first result in the “people” column: the account of US President Donald Trump.

The search algorithm began offering Trump's profile upon request after major news organizations reported that Democrat Joe Biden had managed to get 270 electoral votes and become the new leader of the United States.

At the request of the «winner» Twitter, in turn, offered the accounts of Biden and his vice, Senator Kamala Harris.

According to the social network, the results offered in response to certain queries are generated automatically depending on how users are using these terms at the moment.

“If an account is often mentioned in combination with certain phrases, the algorithm combines them associatively. — said in a statement Twitter «Such associations are temporary and constantly change depending on the published tweets.»
