The female Golden Retriever gave birth to green puppy

The female Golden Retriever gave birth to green puppy

It turns out that the colored dogs are not just in cartoons. In this see Louise Sutherland from Golspie, Scotland, when her 3-year-old dog named Rio gave birth to a green puppy.

The cub of the Golden Retriever was born with seven brothers and one sister among all nine kids unusual hair color can only boast of it.

«When the puppies began to be born, we noticed that one of them is green. We could not believe my eyes,» recalls Sutherland.

Mistress unique animal decided to give him the appropriate nickname — she named him Forest (Forest).

A phenomenal color is a result of exposure to biliverdin, a green bile pigment found in the dog placenta. Shortly after birth, the hair will lose the green tint.

To date, the world was only 4 similar cases. In 2008, green puppy born in New Orleans, USA, in 2012 in England and 2014 in Spain.
