From Melania trump has a twin?

October 19, 2017

The Internet «blew up» message that the US first lady Melania trump has a twin. The «evidence» this theory a bit, but some consider them to be more than convincing. «The theory of the double» appeared once on television aired a story in which the US President commented on the nuclear deal with Iran. Speaking, the President introduced his wife – Melania, explaining that it was his wife and she’s…


In Las Vegas the yard for Halloween «decorated» tombstones 58 those killed in the shooting

October 19, 2017

For Halloween North Las Vegas , the inhabitants of one of houses put on the front yard of 58 tombstones and hung poster #vegasstrong. We will remind, 58 is the number of people killed during a shooting at the country music festival. Faced with angry comments in social networks, the owners of the house removed the headstones but left the banner. Many have called this «decoration» yard «disgusting,» writes Las…


The monument to the First world war, they want to demolish because of its cruciform shape

October 19, 2017

In 1925, the American Legion erected a monument in Bladensburg, Maryland, as a sign of respect to the memory of 49 County of Prince Georgewho died during the First world war. Almost 90 years cross-shaped memorial was a place where people brought flowers and candles, thousands of people, not indifferent to the death of the fallen. But in 2014, the American humanist Association, which insists that man can do good…


North Korea threatens US unimaginable blow at any moment

October 19, 2017

Another day and another threat of North Korea to the United States. The DPRK has promised to deliver US unimaginable shock and says that can do it at any time. The statement reports USA TODAY , citing the North Korean Central News Agency. «US running away and leaving under our noses the goals that we have identified as priorities. States must understand that faced with the unimaginable blow at the…


Scientists have established a link between sugar and cancer

October 19, 2017

Belgian scientists say they have made a research breakthrough in the study of the relationship between sugar and cancer. Researchers at VIB, KU Leuven and Vrije Universiteit Brussel found that yeast with high levels of sugar, known as glucose, overly stimulate the same proteins that are frequently mutated within the tumor and lead to the growth of cancer cells. The results of the study were published in Nature Communications on…


The pilot made a maneuver with 200 passengers on Board

October 19, 2017

The pilot of the German airline Air Berlin without warning, he performed the flight manoeuvre before boarding the plane that made the transcontinental flight. Perhaps this trick would even have gotten away with it if the aircraft in that time there were 200 passengers. Employees and managers of the airport


Ksenia Sobchak is running for President of the Russian Federation

October 19, 2017

Russian TV presenter, journalist and «socialite» Ksenia Sobchak announced that she intends to run for President of Russia in the elections in 2018. The campaign for the collection of votes required to register as a candidate for the presidency, was created as a separate site. Sobchak calls himself «the candidate «against all». As is known, such a graph is already there in the Russian bulletins, but Sobchak calls no way…


During the presidency of tramp dropped in the Forbes ranking in the 92 position

October 19, 2017

The American President in the past a major business player Donald trump is not as rich as it once was. This is evidenced by the updated ranking of the richest people on the planet Forbes. In the list with 400 names, the current leader of the USA has dropped from 92 positions during his presidency — from 156 to 248 place. Of course, the actual President’s condition to calculate was…


In Florida for the week arrested 277 suspected human trafficking

October 19, 2017

Tuesday, October 10 through Sunday, October 15, in the course of several covert operations detectives and investigators have arrested 277 people. They are suspected of trafficking, the provision of sexual services on the Internet and other offences. During the undercover investigation, law enforcement officials placed ads or have created profiles in social networks and other sites, posing as prostitutes or pimps. In some cases, the detectives found in the global…


School name Davis renamed in honor of Barack Obama

October 19, 2017

Public school in Mississippi, is named in honor of Jefferson Davis, first and only President of the Confederate States of America, following the 2018-2019 academic year will be referred to a school named after Barack Obama, the former President of the United States. It was voted the school Board of Trustees in early October, reports The Hill. As writes the edition, ninety-eight percent of school students in Davis — blacks….