What is possible and what is not allowed in America? Strange laws of this country

June 11, 2024

America is a country , which is famous for its freedom and democracy. However, behind this political facade there are many laws and rules governing the behavior of citizens. Sometimes these laws can even be called funny and ridiculous.Are you buying a new car again? Be careful! In one US state it is prohibited to drive backwards on city streets. Sounds weird, right? But this is just one example of…


New York real estate: availability, prices, terms of purchase

June 11, 2024

Nowadays, purchasing any type of real estate in other countries is not only a way to pay tribute to the powerful trend of all modern trends, but also a very profitable investment. We can even say more — sometimes purchasing comfortable, spacious and large real estate abroad costs less than buying less attractive housing in domestic real estate markets. The geographical choice of purchasing real estate abroad is determined not…


In Japan, they created a protective mask that glows when in contact with coronavirus

June 11, 2024

Specialists from the University Kyoto Prefecture has created and tested a mask that glows when it comes into contact with COVID-19 particles. This was reported by the Japanese publication Kyodo News. Read today in USA.ONE magazine: In Japan, a mask was invented that glows when in contact with coronavirus The development was led by the head of the University, Yasuhiro Tsukamoto. A mask has been created that glows upon contact…