Protesters block entrance to Burning Man festival. What’s the reason?

June 28, 2024

Yesterday, August 27, Perhaps the most famous festival in the United States, Burning Man 2023, started in the Black Rock desert in Nevada. Its opening was overshadowed not only by Hurricane Hilary that swept through the day before, flooding the location, but also by the protest of participants in the 7 seven circles movement. Read today in USA.ONE: Climate activists tried to disrupt Burning Man What caused this action? Burning…


Inside the American Education System: Everything You Need to Know

June 28, 2024

Before moving to America, many people ask themselves: how will I go with my children, how will they study there? It's time to find out how the American education system works. Have you ever wondered what makes it different from other educational systems in the world? In this article, we will go on a journey through the American education system, revealing all the information you need. The intricacies of the…


The problem of drug addiction and its solution in the USA: progress and challenges

June 28, 2024

In the United States of America, drug addiction is a problem that affects individuals, families and entire communities. But within this complex problem lies hope for transformation, redemption, and a path to a brighter future. Read today in USA.ONE magazine: How the States are fighting drug addiction What progress has been made and what challenges are they facing? The problem of drug addiction in the USA Drug addiction is one…


Why are people in the US so polarized in their political views?

June 28, 2024

The struggle between Democrats and Republicans. The first are trying to do everything to prevent Trump from winning the presidential election. For example, a $360 million fine for accusations of inflated real estate values ​​was imposed by them. In turn, Republicans are doing their best to reduce Biden's ratings. Including through the preparation of impeachment in the case of corruption. At the same time, such an intense struggle did not…