An 18-year-old student shot and killed more than 20 people at a Texas school.

June 26, 2024

Yesterday, May 24, There was a shooting in south Texas. An 18-year-old senior at Robb Elementary School in Uvald opened fire on children, killing 19 of them. Two more victims are adults. Read today in USA.ONE: Texas school shooting Total death toll rises to 21. Teen killed dozens of people and was shot dead at the scene photo: On Tuesday morning, at 11:32 local time, gunfire rang out at…


18-year-old kills 10 people in Buffalo supermarket attack

June 16, 2024

On Saturday, On May 14, a Tops supermarket in Buffalo, New York was raided by a gunman. 18-year-old Payton Gendron drove up to the store in his car and immediately opened fire with a semi-automatic rifle. He broadcast his actions live on the Twitch streaming service. Read today in USA.ONE: Teenager shoots 10 people dead and wounds three others The vast majority of the victims were black. An 18-year-old boy…


US passenger lands plane after pilot loses consciousness

June 14, 2024

An unprecedented incident occurred in the United States on Tuesday, May 10. With the help of a dispatcher, a passenger with no flying experience was able to land a Cessna 208 at a Florida airport after the pilot lost consciousness. Read today in USA.ONE magazine: A passenger made a successful landing without piloting experience He contacted air traffic controllers after the pilot became ill and «passed out». In Florida, a…


What is possible and what is not allowed in America? Strange laws of this country

June 11, 2024

America is a country , which is famous for its freedom and democracy. However, behind this political facade there are many laws and rules governing the behavior of citizens. Sometimes these laws can even be called funny and ridiculous.Are you buying a new car again? Be careful! In one US state it is prohibited to drive backwards on city streets. Sounds weird, right? But this is just one example of…


New York real estate: availability, prices, terms of purchase

June 11, 2024

Nowadays, purchasing any type of real estate in other countries is not only a way to pay tribute to the powerful trend of all modern trends, but also a very profitable investment. We can even say more — sometimes purchasing comfortable, spacious and large real estate abroad costs less than buying less attractive housing in domestic real estate markets. The geographical choice of purchasing real estate abroad is determined not…


In Japan, they created a protective mask that glows when in contact with coronavirus

June 11, 2024

Specialists from the University Kyoto Prefecture has created and tested a mask that glows when it comes into contact with COVID-19 particles. This was reported by the Japanese publication Kyodo News. Read today in USA.ONE magazine: In Japan, a mask was invented that glows when in contact with coronavirus The development was led by the head of the University, Yasuhiro Tsukamoto. A mask has been created that glows upon contact…


Lend-Lease was adopted in the USA: how will this help Ukraine win the war?

June 9, 2024

Yesterday, 28 April, the United States passed a law allowing the Biden administration to launch a large-scale Lend-Lease program for the purpose of economic and military assistance to Ukraine. Money for its financing will be allocated from the country's budget and the seized accounts of Russian oligarchs. Read today in the magazine USA.ONE: What is Lend-Lease and how will it help Ukraine win And also, where will 33 billion dollars…


What’s happening in the USA? Election fight between Trump and Biden

June 9, 2024

According to analyst Amy Walter , the 2024 election will be similar to the 2020 race, when Biden defeated Trump. Voters are not enthusiastic about the activities of the current president, but they may vote for Biden out of desperation, simply not seeing any other alternative. There may be opinions like “I don’t like either candidate, but in the end I will vote for this person.” In previous elections there…


Why did Trump’s trial benefit him?

June 4, 2024

Not long ago, the former US President was accused of falsification in order to hide a large sum of money that he once paid to a famous porn actress for silence about her relationship with him. This expired news was happily dug up by the Democrats, deciding to spoil the reputation of Donald Trump and pull some votes


Powerful tornadoes and snowfalls hit US

June 4, 2024

Bad weather has raged in the USA. The powerful storm caused tornadoes in Louisiana and Texas. Wind gusts reach 112 km/h. Meanwhile, California was covered in snow. In the mountains, the snow cover is over 2 meters. Roofs in some houses are collapsing under the weight of unexpected rainfall. Read today in USA.ONE magazine: The United States was hit by destructive tornadoes and snow storms So far there have been…