The photographer is lured to a remote farm aspiring models, gave them drugs and raped

Terrible series for the offense opened the law enforcement agencies of the state of California, together with colleagues from Oregon.

They managed to find out what is known in professional circles photographer years raped girls, who dreamed about career of a model. The man had drugged the victims of drugs, after which he brought to life his twisted imagination. Law enforcement authorities suspect that his actions could hurt dozens of young models across the country.

The photographer is lured to a remote farm aspiring models, gave them drugs and rapedThe man slipped the victims of drugs, made the models appear naked and raped them. Photo: FBI

At the moment 52-year-old Robert Arnold Lester is accused of committing acts of violence against 8 women from California and Oregon. In total the charges consists of 52 items and is just the beginning.

The police are now actively looking for girls who are not fortunate to «cooperate» with a perverted photographer. After the search photo Studio where a man raped his victims, police found a huge number of images, probably related to the terrible hobby of Coaster.

According to investigators, the attacker would lure young girls with promises to give them professional photography. Then the man slipped to the victims of drugs, forced models to pose naked and raped them, including resorting to perverted methods of copulation.

Among the victims were both young girls and teenage girls. It is for sexual abuse of underage models man will be tried in California.

The photographer is lured to a remote farm aspiring models, gave them drugs and rapedTo carry out photographing aspiring models the attacker is preferred to the ranch, and his Studio was more like a house from a horror movie. Photo: Youtube

It is noteworthy that Coaster many considered a true professional. He received recommendations from well-known modeling agencies, which had no problems with a set of new girls.

In his work, the man used the alias Bert Kay, and on its website flaunt motivating phrase. Have a photo shoot the attacker chose on a remote ranch, and his Studio was more like a house from a horror movie.

«Chasing the light: from the farm in the wine area of Oregon to locations around the world,» reads the slogan on an Internet resource of the rapist.

Now the police collect information about possible victims of Koester and asks all who in their time suffered from the actions of a perverted photographer, to testify. If the number of victims will continue to grow and the court ultimately recognized the man guilty, the rest of his life he will spend in jail.
