Death on the lake: a woman with her lover killed her husband on the hunt, to marry again and get a $2 million insurance

In the court of the Leon County (state of Florida) today, February 6, to life imprisonment without the possibility of parole sentenced 48-year-old Denise Williams for the murder of her husband.

The investigation began in December 2000 after the disappearance of a Tallahassee resident Mike Williams.

Before the sentencing, the floor was given to the mother of the murdered Cheryl Williams, who all these years didn’t believe in «accident» with her son.

«The terrible death of my son demands justice,» said Cheryl Williams, urging a judge to send former daughter-in-law behind bars for the rest of her days.

Earlier Denniz Williams and her lover (best friend husband) Brian of Winchester, admitted that he shot Mike in the face at lake Seminole in December 2000, when his plan to make his death look like an accident on the hunt failed.

Denise Williams sentenced for role in love triangle murder

— New York Post (@nypost) February 6, 2019

Winchester said they did it to be together, «without shame of divorce», and to Denniz could receive nearly $2 million in insurance money.

Cheryl Williams told the judge and a crowded courtroom how her life has changed when that fateful morning nearly 20 years ago, the daughter called her and said that her son did not return home from a trip duck hunting.

She also told about 2600 letters wrote to the Governor with a request to investigate the disappearance of Mike, about how she stood in the streets with my son’s photo, as many called her crazy, including, according to the woman, law enforcement officials and some relatives.

«I’m a fighter, not a victim. If I did all this for 17 years, Mike’s disappearance would never be solved,» said Cheryl Williams.

According to her, she never believed in the story of Denniz Williams and Brian Winchester, that Mike fell out of a boat accident, drowned in a lake and was eaten by alligators.

Guess mother was confirmed in December 2017, when were found the remains of Mike. The crime scene led police Brian Winchester (he’s already serving a 20-year sentence for another crime).

In his confession Winchester told investigators that the night pushed the other out of the boat, that he drowned. When Mike started to cling to the side of the boat, the lovers shot him with a gun.

«Every night, trying to sleep, I see my son clinging to the side of the boat on the lake, knowing that his wife and best friend trying to kill him. I hear his screams. I wasn’t there, I couldn’t help him. It will haunt me forever,» said the victim’s mother.

After the verdict, she with her youngest son Nick, brother Mike, went to the cemetery, the resting place of the eldest son.
