In San Antonio police officer with the students you pulled a woman from a burning car 10 seconds before the explosion

In San Antonio, Texas, thanks to the care of indifferent bystanders, in the resolute perseverance and heroism of the police had rescued a woman locked in a burning car on the highway. The car finally exploded, but she managed to get out before the explosion.

As has told then to journalists Andrew and Eric Cisbani Ghali, the students of St. Mary’s University in San Antonio, they drove the car around 3am on a highway near Bandera and Evers saw the overturned on the side of the car. First, they drove past, thinking that someone just got rid of the car. But then I saw the flash of fire and returned to watch. In the cabin, wearing a seat belt, was locked the woman and could not get out. The students called the police and tried to open her door, but nothing happened, and out of the car was the crackle, sparks and the smell of gasoline — all threatened to explode at any moment.

We are so proud of the quick action taken by #StMU Department’Police’s Sgt. Kenneth Hamilton, St. Mary’s student Andrew Jazbani and a St. Mary’s alumnus. Their actions helped save a trapped driver after a late night car crash. Check out Sgt. Hamilton’s first hand account.

— St. Mary’s University (@StMarysU) May 1, 2019

As written by My San Antonio, remarkably soon came a police officer from the University’s Department Sergeant Kenneth Hamilton, seeing the fire, he told the students to go away and not put yourself in danger (because of this, now the network has a video of the feat Kenneth Hamilton shot away departed Andrew Gabbani and Eric Ghali).

In San Antonio police officer with the students you pulled a woman from a burning car 10 seconds before the Palmero/CC

Sergeant first tried to break the window of his rubber truncheon, but in vain. Then Gabbani offered Hamilton a suitable piece of concrete, found them on the spot. The piece of concrete was fit to break a window. When the Sergeant dragged the woman out of the cab and pulled to the side, like in the movies, there was an explosion. Arriving medics took the victim to the hospital and assured that her life is not in danger, she received only minor bruises.
