Mother kept his room in perfect order, whereas in the backpack of her daughter wound up «hundreds of insects»

According to police, the woman from Florida was charged with neglect of duty in relation to children after school staff of her daughter’s found «hundreds of insects» backpack girls.

The County Sheriff’s office Santa Rosa said police arrested Jessica Stevenson (33 years) last week after her daughter, the schoolgirl of the second class, has repeatedly come to school in dirty clothes and her backpack were insects.

According to the police report, obtained Thursday by ABC News, the officers conducted a check at the children’s home in Milton, Florida about 20 miles from Pensacola and discovered that the house is full of cockroaches, broken Windows, and garbage strewn throughout the room and the yard. According to officials, the house was «incredibly dirty», a minimum of furniture and nothing was edible.

It is reported that in addition to the girls in the family there are still 4 children who were forced to sleep on a dirty mattress on the floor among the cat’s waste.

Surprisingly, the bedroom itself Jessica was «incredibly» clean compared to the rest of the house. In her bedroom was a bed with clean linen, and in the closet hung the clean clothes that contrasted with the clothes her 5 children.

Children aged 5 to 14 temporarily taken away from his mother’s house.

'Hundreds of bugs' in child's backpack leads to Florida mom's arrest, The home Jessica Stevenson shared with the child had roaches on «nearly every surface» and no food — except in Stevenson's bedroom, a report said.

— Emma Brown (@emmaBrownseo) May 9, 2019

That the children are not cared for properly, it became known on 18 April, when the pupil of the second class said he did not remember when was the last time you took a shower or bath. The school said that repeatedly give the child clean clothes, but she didn’t take it off for a few days in a row, despite the fact that she was becoming more and more dirty.

Stevenson, which, according to her, works at a local thrift store Circle K, was arrested last Friday. She presented 5 allegations of neglect of duty towards children. She was released may 4, floors a Deposit of $2500.

In an interview WEAR she said: «I’m not a bad mom, I’m doing everything I can. I work a lot». She said that raising children alone, and she has low income. Jessica added: «we Have cockroaches, people always tell me that everyone in Florida has roaches. It’s not easy when you’re alone with 5 children». She noted that trying to make your home more presentable, and hoped that the insect problem will be resolved soon.

If a woman is found guilty on 5 counts, then, as stated in the state’s attorney’s office, she could face 25 years in prison.

Next time, Stevenson will have to appear in court may 30.
