«I wanted to blow up your own car»: a resident of Tennessee, was shocked when found in his car 30 thousand bees

Bees are an important part of the ecosystem. They are the main pollinators of plants. But not call them as welcome guests when a swarm of bees lands on your car. That’s what happened with a resident of the County of Sevi, tn Jennifer king, when she went to downtown Knoxville.

King works as a Manager at the Melting Pot. During her shift on Tuesday approached her friend. The girl says: «He said, «have You looked at your car?» I said, «What she hit?» And he said no and showed me the pictures. I couldn’t even understand what it is.»

🐝BEE ready to be blown away 🐝This happened to Jennifer King’s car last night in the Old City while she was at work! A bee keeper was called & told her there were 30,000 honeybees that swarmed on her car. What’s going on w/ bees right now in #Knoxville? That’s at 6! #honeybee pic.twitter.com/DHBo2fwsDW

— Laura Halm (@WATELauraHalm) May 15, 2019

Thousands of bees surrounded her bumper, wheel, and trunk. King says that she invited a beekeeper to help her with the problem. She admits: «at First I wanted to blow up his own car.» But instead, the beekeeper collected in a box of 30 thousand bees. Jennifer explains: «He took Queen bee, and all the other bees started to fly away. It took a few hours.»

Beekeepers explain that it’s not so unusual for downtown because it’s already 3 a swarm of bees, which they’ve heard this year. «Now just the season of swarming, because the hive realizes that there are too many young bees and part of the family with the Queen bee flies to find a new home,» explained Linda Rizzardi, President of the Knox County Beekeepers Association.

Rizzardi added that the car, Jennifer could was nectar or something with a sweet aroma. «It attracted bees scouts, and others followed them.»

🐝Maybe they BUG you, maybe not, but 30,000 honeybees don’t BEE-long on a car in downtown #Knoxville…🐝Beekeepers say it’s swarm season.
#honeybees #honeybeehttps://t.co/EWH6jdi2cj pic.twitter.com/2L4nCTs65J

— Laura Halm (@WATELauraHalm) May 16, 2019

Even after returning home, visiting the wash and returning back to work on Wednesday, king found that the car flew about 12 bees. Rizaldi explained that these bees are probably searched for food on Tuesday and Wednesday just flew to the smell of the Queen bee.

She said: «Honestly, swarm is the most peaceful and pleasant bees because they ate a lot, to find a new home. Therefore, they are non-aggressive».
