In Massachusetts, a five-foot snake crawled out from under the fridge and bit a 9-month-old boy

A mother from Massachusetts comes after Saturday’s incident – when a milk snake with a length of about 5 feet (1.5 meters) slipped into the house and bit her young son.

Fortunately, the milk snake is from the family of colubrid snakes – non-venomous, although the color is very similar to the poisonous coral snake.

In Massachusetts, a five-foot snake crawled out from under the fridge and bit a 9-month-old boyCourtesу: Jenna Lees-Rolfe

Jenna Liz-Rolfe from the Medford (Massachusetts) noticed the snake under the kitchen sink when preparing food. Her 9-month-old son James was playing with the pots and pans around. His snake and was bitten in the leg.

Service officers animal control believe that the reptile had snuck into the house through the garage and crawled out from under the refrigerator.

«To say I was terrified is to say nothing,» said the woman channel WHDH. According to her, James, unlike her, did not was frightened and was «unflappable» when the snake bit his leg.

Jenna told The Globe that quickly grabbed the child and took him into another room. The woman checked the wound James — signs of inflammation were not – and then called paramedics, who assured me that the kid will be fine.

Jenna’s husband called the local animal control, where staff released the snake back into the wild.

According to Liz Rolfe, she and her husband closed up the gap behind the fridge just in case, and bought traps for rodents and insect repellent against snakes.

«Some of my neighbors have lived here for over 15 years, and was never seen snakes,» said Jenna.

According to her, she and her family recently moved to the US from Australia, where he lived for 26 years and never find a snake in the house.

«That’s the irony,» added the Australian.
