Bird of prey attacked a Chihuahua and almost gone from the garden hostess

When Hitchcock filmed his «the Birds», he’s obviously Mature in the root of the problem — and even somewhat predicted the future. Recently the owner of the Chihuahua from Britain survived a real nightmare: a bird of prey tried to carry her pet right from the garden.

As said 72-year-old Sheila Gillanders BBC, 18-month-old Emma almost died and the tragedy was avoided only thanks to the quick reaction of the spouse of the woman, Robert.

«We heard the sound [of the bell] and I saw how close the bird. recalls Gillanders — Perhaps she ran away from the trainer. At first she just nailed [Emma] to the fence, and then began to gain altitude — but my husband managed to snatch [the dog] from her claws».

«It was an extremely large bird, like a Buzzard with a bell around his neck. Its obviously someone coached».

A north-east dog owner is warning others to be vigilant after her Chihuahua was snatched by a bird of prey.

— The Press & Journal (@pressjournal) November 10, 2019

After a fight with Robert and the predator flew away, and Sheila and her husband had taken my pet to the vet. Fortunately, Emma is almost not affected — though still in a huge shock. According to the owner, she still refuses to go out in the garden.

«We are very fortunate. notes Sheila — If my husband had not intervened so quickly, it could be worse».

«We are pleased that Emma was not injured. — commented on the incident chief inspector at Scottish SPCA’s Alison Simpson — Although such incidents occur very rarely, we urge dog owners to remain vigilant at the sight of large birds on the horizon.»
