The man rushed into the icy pond, and rescued three people from a car which fell into a pond

Resident of Nebraska called a true hero after he, without a moment’s hesitation, rushed into the water to save the lives of three people whose car fell into an icy pond.

On Saturday afternoon Terry Ingram was photographing eagles at Bellevue (Nebraska), when suddenly I saw a white sedan lost control, crossing the railroad tracks, crashed into a fire hydrant, and then landed upside down in the icy pond.

«The car was just right in front of me, but the next moment is already in the air, and then in the pond,» he told the Ingram channel KETV.

The man heard the cries for help and immediately began to act.

Terry Ingram plunged into the icy water and managed to open one of the doors of the car. According to him, when he saw people inside, I thought they had already died, but the passengers and the driver were alive.

«As soon as I opened the door, water began to quickly enter the cabin, but we managed to pull out,» said the man.

Ingram was able to pull three people from the overturned and submerged vehicle and deliver them to the shore. The victims were taken to the hospital. According to doctors, their life is in danger.

The hero noted that he was just lucky to be in the right place at the right time.

«Looking at the photos taken that day I’ll always remember. I really hope to meet these people later and see how they’re doing. I think there is always a reason why God sends us to certain places at a certain point,» added Terry Ingram.
