Mother suffocated in front of my daughter during dinner at the restaurant

The mother choked and started to suffocate in front of his daughter during a dinner at the restaurant. The woman failed to save.

On August 23 last year, the 47-year-old resident of Wales Karen Hopkins spent time with my daughter Rianna Evans: they decided to visit a local restaurant for a bite to eat. A mother and daughter ordered a mixed platter, which consisted of different types of meat, side dishes, eggs and vegetables. Women enjoyed a dinner together, but something went wrong.

Ten minutes later Rianna noticed her mother acting strange: suddenly she began to cough and beat his chest.

«I asked her if she’s okay, and she shook her head. She couldn’t speak because I was choking so I patted her on the back.» — says the girl. «She tried to bring a hand to her mouth as if she were trying to grab, and said, «I’m coming, I’m coming» before collapsing to the floor without a word.»

According to the girl, someone from the restaurant tried to help her mother, using the Heimlich maneuver. For a moment it helped, but seconds later, uttering the last words, the woman fell to the floor unconscious.

Paramedics arrived to the restaurant at 20:09. On arrival, the paramedics saw Karen lying face down, and they immediately began CPR. The victim suffered a cardiac arrest, so the paramedics tried to free the airway. Despite the fact that paramedics were able to pull a few pieces of food, they were not able to revive her. 20:35 the woman was declared dead. Rianna asked to wait in the waiting room of the nearby hotel «Premier Inn», where the police and told her that her mother is dead.

As a result of opening in the larynx Karen found the remains of the food. The cause of death was acute respiratory obstruction provoked by the bones, which were in the meat.

«Karen Hopkins died on 23 Aug 2019 at the brewery fire Ebbw Vale choking on food. Food stuck in her airway and she died from hypoxic effect of airway obstruction.» — written by forensic scientist Caroline Saunders in his conclusion.
