18-year-old teenager killed 10 people in an attack on a supermarket in Buffalo

18-year-old teenager killed 10 people in an attack on a supermarket in Buffalo

Saturday, On May 14, a Tops supermarket in Buffalo, New York, was raided. Payton Gendron, 18, drove up to the store in his car and immediately opened fire with a semi-automatic rifle. He broadcast his actions live on the Twitch streaming service. Read today in USA.ONE:

A teenager shot and killed 10 people and wounded three more

The vast majority of the victims were black.

An 18-year-old guy opened fire on people in a supermarket 18-year-old teenager killed 10 people in an attack on a supermarket in Buffalo

Before the attack, Gendron published a "manifesto" on the Internet, in which he expressed ideas of racial hatred. According to the police, he purposefully went to the Buffalo supermarket — an area where mostly black people live, in order to kill African Americans. He recorded all his actions on camera.

source: t.me

The video shows Payton driving and pulling up to Tops. He broadcasts live from the first person. Then the teenager stops, takes a rifle and gets out of the car. Near the store, he shoots the first victims and goes inside. Gendron walks between the rows and shoots everyone he sees. Some he does not hesitate to finish off. Watch out, 18+ video!

source: t.me

The attacker has already been arrested by the police. Local authorities believe that the killings were motivated by racial hatred, as the seized rifle was found to have ancient Germanic runes, racist inscriptions and the name of the Norwegian terrorist Anders Breivik, who killed 77 people.

Payton himself proclaimed himself &# 34;white nationalist" and claimed to have been inspired by Brenton Tarrant, who carried out the 2019 Christchurch mosque attacks in New Zealand. More than 50 Muslims became its victims. Both terrorists received life sentences and are in prison.

18-year-old teenager killed 10 people in an attack on a supermarket in Buffalo

Payton Gendron right away detained. He is accused of killing 10 people and injuring three more. US President Joe Biden has already responded to the shooting in Buffalo, calling it "an act of domestic terrorism" and a call to fight racism.

"An act done in the name of a disgusting white nationalist ideology goes against everything we stand for in the US. We need to do everything in our power to put an end to hate-infused domestic terrorism," — he said.

At the same time, Biden said that law enforcement agencies have yet to find out the real motives of a teenager who opened fire on visitors to the supermarket. Local media write that Gendron spoke out against the Black Lives Matter movement.

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