Ten-year-old native of Miami died of a drug overdose after visiting the pool

Ten-year-old native of Miami died of a drug overdose after visiting the pool

Sending his son to the pool, the parents of a 10-year-old Elton banks wanted to take care of his health, but quite the opposite has happened. When the boy returned home after swimming, it began to vomit, and then he lost consciousness. Paramedics took the child to Memorial hospital Jackson, but it failed to save. 23 Jun Elton’s heart stopped beating.

After a lengthy investigation, authorities have finally released the cause of death of young native Miami. It came as quite a surprise — the boy died from an overdose of fentanyl and heroin. On Tuesday, the shocking information was confirmed by the Prosecutor of Miami-Dade County Katherine Fernandez Rundle.

Ten-year-old native of Miami died of a drug overdose after visiting the pool

How the drugs got into the body of Elton? Investigators believe that the lost child could receive a lethal dose of opioids in contact with towel or any other object contaminated drugs. Evidence that drugs were present in his house, not detected.

Fentanyl is a synthetic analgesic used in medicine as medicinal preparations for additional anesthesia or analgesic. Usually the drug is administered intravenously, but he is able to have intense action, penetrating into the bloodstream when touched.

Fentanyl and its derivatives are extremely popular among drug users because of the simplicity of their synthesis in clandestine conditions and, therefore, availability. In Florida this trend has taken a frightening pace over the past year in Miami from an overdose of drugs killed more than three hundred people.

In a tragic coincidence, the youngest victim of the opium crisis was Elton.

