The taxi driver who felt asleep in his car, ended up dead

The taxi driver who felt asleep in his car, ended up dead

New York cab driver, who he believed was sleeping in his parked car, was dead. His body was in the car for about 18 hours.

59-year-old Mehari, Secretion died of a heart attack around noon on August 8. He parked his car in Manhattan, where drivers are allowed to rest for an hour. That taxi driver was dead no one knew until the next morning.

When the driver did not return home, his wife and brother tracked a GPS device in his car and figured out the exact location of the machine. Around the same time, a casual passer-by noticed that the driver does not move at all and telephoned emergency 911.

The SOHO district, where they found the taxi driver, always had intense pedestrian traffic, but only one person drew attention to the taxi driver. In the same area the day passed by and drove dozens of colleagues Bacrelona, but none of them give value for such a long «Park» cab.
