12 strange laws still in force in the USA

December 28, 2023

1. Drinking on skis Laws, laws prohibiting drunk driving exist all over the world. They are absolutely correct, logical and do not cause any objections to anyone. In the US, in some states they also apply to vehicles such as bicycles, scooters and tractors. However, Wyoming has gone the furthest in this regard — here a special legal act prohibits skiing while drunk. Such a drunken outburst is considered a…


Glossary of US Legal Terms

December 16, 2023

Replacement — reduction of the sentence, starting from the death penalty to life imprisonment. Co-defendants — several people have been arrested and charged in the same criminal incident. Comparative negligence is a legal doctrine in New Mexico in which the actions of opposing parties in a sensitive case are compared to determine each party's liability, with each party being liable only for its percentage of fault. See also contributory negligence….


US Political Asylum: What You Need to Know Before Applying

December 9, 2023

Foreign citizens can apply for political asylum in the United States if the law provides for approval of the application in such a case. In this article we will figure out who can apply for political asylum. asylum and what is important to know about the procedure before applying. What is asylum Asylum in the United States is a special status for foreign citizens who have been subjected to threats,…


How much do police officers earn and how do they live in the USA?

December 6, 2023

There are many stereotypes around them inspired by Hollywood. In films, American police officers are shown almost as warriors with a constant stream of unsolved cases and crimes. In this article, we decided to figure out where the truth is and where the lies are and tell how things really are. Read today in USA.ONE magazine: How do American police officers live and how much do they earn? How do…


US landlord doesn’t want to fix leaking ceiling

November 18, 2023

A leaking ceiling in an apartment is not the same situation which you must endure. Landlords have a responsibility to maintain residential premises in a habitable condition, which usually includes following building codes. If your landlord fails to repair your leaking ceiling after notifying him of the problem, your state's occupancy laws determine what action you can take in response, such as withholding rent or terminating your lease. In some…


Hit the Road: Getting a Green Card for Ukrainians: A Quick Guide to Driving in the USA

October 29, 2023

For Ukrainians who dream of driving through the vast landscapes of the United States, obtaining a Green Card for their car is a critical step. Nevertheless, navigating the intricacies of importing a car and complying with American regulations can be challenging. In this detailed guide, we will look at the features and nuances of how Ukrainians can get a green card online for their car and travel around America. Understanding…


OnlyFans scraps plans to ban porn content after criticism

July 28, 2023

OnlyFans has abandoned plans to ban pornographic content — less than a week after the UK-based content maker site announced the change, citing the need to comply with banking partner policies. On Wednesday, the company said it had “provided the assurance needed to support our diverse community creators», implying that it has entered into new agreements with banks to pay funds to OnlyFans content creators: including those who share sexually…


Court upholds death sentence for shooter who killed 9 people in Charleston church

July 28, 2023

>A federal appeals court upheld the death sentence of Dylan Roof: a white man convicted of the mass shooting of black members of the Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church in Charleston, South Carolina. Roof, 27, sought to appeal his conviction to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 4th Circuit, which concluded that even the most «thorough analysis of laws and precedent cannot convey the horror of what Roof did.»…


Seven Capitol cops sue Trump and far-right groups

July 28, 2023

Thursday, seven US Capitol police officers filed a lawsuit against former President Trump, Trump ally Roger Stone, and members of right-wing extremist groups over their role in the Jan. 6 Capitol riots. The civil lawsuit alleges that Trump, acting in concert with groups such as The Proud Boys and Oath Keepers, engaged in acts of domestic terrorism designed to illegally keep him in power despite losing the 2020 election. The…


Texas has banned abortions after the 6th week. Biden vowed to take action

July 28, 2023

In Texas, USA, a law came into force, according to which women cannot have an abortion after 6 weeks of pregnancy. He has already begun to act. What do the Americans and the President of the country think about this? Read today in USA.ONE: Texas bans abortions after 6 weeks Joe Biden's comment. Texas restricts abortion law goes into effect The so-called "Heartbeat Act" Republican Texas Governor Greg Abbott signed…