The presidential administration will reconsider rules that protect miners from «black lung disease» and cancer

The presidential administration will reconsider rules that protect miners from «black lung disease» and cancer

State regulators in the mining industry in complying with the requirements of the presidential administration, is revising the rules that protect the health of miners, according to the AP. We are talking about the safety standards during operation, limits on working time, limits of contamination, etc. Representatives of this profession are forced to breathe the mountain and coal dust, which causes «black lung disease» and asthma, as well as exhaust gases which are the cause of cancer.

The administration of safety and health at work has requested a professional opinion about whether the standards are «to be improved or become more efficient and less cumbersome through the introduction of advances in technology, innovative or less expensive methods».

The presidential administration will reconsider rules that protect miners from «black lung disease» and cancer

Some of the requirements may be adjusted or replaced, say in the administration.

Before administration, trump said that many Federal regulations, including pollution control, restrict coal mining and other industries, which significantly affects the economy of the country.
