The Governor of Iowa signed a law banning abortions 6 weeks of pregnancy

Residents of Iowa will be prohibited abortions from the moment when you can discern the heartbeat of the fetus, i.e., about 4 weeks from conception or 6 obstetric weeks of pregnancy.

The relevant law was signed Friday by the Governor of Iowa Kim Reynolds after the may 2 it was approved by state lawmakers.

#iagov #ialegis #iapolitics

— Gov. Kim Reynolds (@IAGovernor) May 4, 2018

«Heartbeat law» obliges every woman intending to terminate the pregnancy, do an ultrasound before doing this. If during the examination you will hear the beating of the heart developing in her womb of a child, abortion will be banned.

By and large, to get rid of unwanted offspring, only women with regular menstrual cycle and carefully tracking him. All others will be deprived of such a right, since before the first heart beats of the embryo may not even suspect about its existence.

Bill No. 359 suggests exceptions in cases of rape, incest and pregnancies that threaten the mother’s life.

«The law of the heart» at different times adopted in Arkansas, Texas, Alabama, Kansas, Kentucky, Mississippi, North Dakota, Ohio and Wyoming. And in all these States it was canceled for various reasons.

In Iowa the bill also have enemies — the American Union of protection of civil liberties and the American Federation of family planning said they would challenge it in court.

At the moment in most parts of the U.S. abortion is legal until 24 weeks, and in some places up to the 20th (as it was in Iowa prior to the law). At this period the fetus is already fully formed, hears, begins to open his eyes, and a mother, as a rule, distinctly feel its movements.

