Caution! Car flooded during hurricanes, can be sold as used

The cars that flooded during last year’s hurricane season in the U.S. may be sold across the country as used.

Senator Chuck Schumer insists that Federal law provided the buyer a right to know whether the car he is going to buy, is flooded during a hurricane.

«In 1985, Congress passed a law that States that every used car should be a sticker, where would be listed all that the car «survived». Guess what’s missing? The label does not necessarily indicate that the car was flooded during a hurricane,» said Chuck Schumer.

The previous hurricane season was one of the worst in U.S. history. Hurricanes «Harvey», «Irma», «Jose» and «Maria» caused damage in the billions of dollars. In flooding caused by the hurricanes, was flooded about 60 thousand cars. According to Chuck Schumer, many of them now are cheap are sold in all over the country.

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«Because of this, problems may occur — said Schumer. For example, rust inside the machine, problems with the wiring etc. car Buyers should know the full history of the vehicle they intend to purchase. It is not difficult. The law already exists, there merely need to make changes about hurricanes».

We will remind, under forecasts of weather forecasters, today, on July 9, a powerful tropical storm «Chris» may develop into a hurricane.
