The woman called the police because an African American, who looks after white children

Cafe, swimming pool, BBQ facilities are just a few of the places where in recent months white-skinned people complained to the police on African Americans. Now this list has replenished with another case that occurred in Marietta (GA).

On Sunday (October 7) Corey Lewis looked after her two children. As usual, they have made a purchase in Walmart, we stopped at Subway and then stopped at a gas station to replenish the supply of gasoline in the car. The only thing that was not so, as always, is a woman, all the while following them.

According to Lewis, the stranger approached his car to ask if everything is okay in children.

«Why wouldn’t they be okay?» — the man asked. This did not satisfy the woman, who apparently was concerned about the safety of a brother and sister. She promised to write down his license plate.

After that, the woman followed the car men to the house of his mother. There she called the police.

In the video Lewis posted in Facebook, the officer arrived at the scene, asked the man: «do you mind if I talk to them [children]?»

«This is crazy… Why?» asked Lewis. The officer responded that, according to the Protocol needs to check the status of the health of children, and asked them to get out of the car.

The girl explained to police that Lewis — their nannies, and «this lady started to follow» them.

«It never occurred to me that someone will see us and so decides as she is, said Lewis, who directs the group in the local community. And in 2018 biased people exist. We still judge, we still are subjected to discrimination.»

Posted by Corey Lewis on Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Lewis also has its own kindergarten and business mentoring Inspired By Lewis.
