In Nevada, a new law allowed 14-year-old students to drive cars

In Nevada most teenagers at the age of 14 years be allowed to drive cars.

This is referred to in the new bill (Bill 213), which, as expected, the Committee of state legislature will vote today, Thursday, March 21.

213 the bill is aimed at the extension of an existing law of the state of Nevada, allowing rural residents over the age of 14 years to ride to and from school by car. Provided that the school district does not provide to these areas the buses.

Bill 213 distributes the force of law not only in rural, but populated areas of Nevada (e.g., Clark and Washoe), which is not everywhere there are school buses.

The author of the bill – Alexis Hansen, representing sparks – a vast rural area extending to the East to Battle Mountain and South to Hawthorne.

Supported the author of the bill and representatives of the legislature of a state from a much more densely populated areas, including Las Vegas.

The drivers of the state of Nevada already can get a learner’s permit at age 15.5 years, provided that they carry a passenger who is at least 21 years of age and have driving experience not less than year.

«The silver state» — is one of the few that allows drivers to obtain a provisional license at such an early age. But, for example, a South Dakota limited issues of law school students at the age of 14.5 years.
