The family accuses the crew of a cruise ship refusing to get off the ship their relative who suffered a heart attack and eventually deceased

The family accuses the company of «Carnival Shia» (FL) in refusing to evacuate the man from the liner after the victim happened heart attack.

The lawsuit States that on 3 December 2018, the 65-year-old Jeffrey Eisenman had a heart attack when the ship «Carnival Sunshine» docked in Grand Turk.

The ship’s doctor noted that the man suffered a «serious heart attack» and needs treatment that cannot be provided on the ship. The medic added that the victim is best to ship to Miami, where there is a branch of cardiac care.

The family claims in the lawsuit that for two hours the crew of the ship said that while not able to evacuate the man by water, as someone else needs a more urgent evacuation.

Wife of Geoffrey, Linda Eisenman, told the crew that her family purchased insurance for your trip, allowing air evacuation.

«She literally begged the team to call for air evac,» said WPLG-TV, the family’s lawyer Ira Licfild.

The lawsuit States that the ship left Grand Turk Jeffrey EISENMANN on Board and went to the next port in San Juan (Puerto Rico) is approximately 21 hour swim in the sea.

Eisenman died in the night on the way to San Juan, but, according to the lawsuit, even after the arrival of the family reported that the body of a man while it is impossible to remove from the ship. According to representatives of «Carnival Sgie», there was no guarantee that the body will promptly deliver to the USA due to the ongoing recovery of Puerto Rico after hurricane «Maria».

According to the lawyer of the family, the body of Jeffrey Eisenman kept in the morgue until the ship until the cruise liner arrived at port Canaveral (Florida), the final destination of the trip.

«The family of the deceased had been forced in horror to watch it all,» reads the lawsuit.
