In California, proposed to create in stores gender-neutral divisions

In accordance with the new law, large stores that sell toys, clothing and other commodities in California will be required to provide gender-neutral territory. The proposal, called Assembly Bill 2826, was submitted by member of the Assembly by Democrat Evan low.

According to Lowe, first and foremost he wants to make products more accessible to children. The politician said that the idea came from one of his employees, whose youngest daughter asked why some of her necessary things are in the Department for boys.

The law offers owners to organize, in the premises of their stores gender-neutral room, where it will be sold clothes and toys, regardless of are they for boys or girls. The range of goods should not be subject to change.

«Storage of goods that are traditionally sold for girls or boys separately, makes it difficult for the consumer comparison of products and incorrectly imply that their use is impractical the other sex.» — reads the text of the law.

The bill provides that regulations will only apply to retail stores with 500 or more employees. In the case of adoption, the retailers who will not follow the new rules, will be forced to pay a fine.
