California homeowners were forbidden to disclose the immigration status of tenants

California homeowners were forbidden to disclose the immigration status of tenants

Power Golden state has taken another step to protect the rights of immigrants — the California Assembly approved a bill prohibiting homeowners to report to Federal immigration authorities about migrant tenants and even to threaten such action.

A new rule introduced by the Senator from San Francisco David Chiu. For this decision voted 46 out of 61 members of the Assembly. Innovation will come into force if it is approved by the state Senate.

To date, California has the most favorable conditions for immigrants, including illegal. In April, the local authorities adopted a law limiting police cooperation with Federal immigration authorities, thus protecting immigrants from deportation.

The measure was adopted in response to the tightening of immigration policy with the coming to power of Donald trump. To punish rebellious subjects, the President issued a decree depriving the cities of refuge state funding. Later this order was blocked by the courts.

According to statistics, California is home to more than 2 million illegal immigrants.
