The guy said to the girl on the message 8 years later, strange explaining the break in their intercourse

Sally shared a screenshot of the correspondence between her and the guy she initially liked, but the conversation didn’t end in the best way.

To send a message to someone is always exciting, but the correspondence can be a little exhausting, so are patiently waiting and hoping for an answer. Regardless of how funny you are joking or looked how beautiful your hair for the date, sometimes it’s just not your destiny. One woman was completely shocked when I received a reply to his message, sent any to her man. The fact that the answer came after 8 years and 7 months.

Sally shared a screenshot of their conversation, which began with a message from an anonymous guy July 17, 2011. He wrote: «Hey, gorgeous, how you doing?» and added a winking Emoji, reports the Sally decided to control myself and wait a few days before I answer, sending him a message on July 20. She wrote: «hi, fine, thank you. What were you doing?» and added a smiley face.

But the conversation was completed – until recently.

A few days ago a man sent his answer the girl, claiming that he only got her message when I installed the update on your phone. The girl was surprised to received it so many years later message and shared his story in social networks.

The post Sally became interested in many social networks, and people turned to the comments section to discuss the justification of men. While many joked that he overdid it, «playing hard to get», others accused him of ghosting (sudden cessation of any relationship without warning or explanation). One wrote: «He is a man of words,» apparently alluding to the fact that the man did not forget to answer her even after all these years.

Even if the girl was happy to receive his message, we have little doubt that they will soon go on a date.
