Experts: after the pandemic coronavirus travel industry will be even stronger and better

The industry of tourism this year actually destroyed the coronavirus. According to preliminary estimates, the financial losses amounted to more than $24 billion, as of 825 thousand people lost their jobs.

But with the storm often comes a rainbow. Without a constant flow of cruise ships Venice canals become clean for the first time in centuries; air pollution around the world fell sharply, and the cities that were «trampled» over-tourism are restored.

And tourism experts say that when the world will recover after the spread COVID-19, the travel industry will become stronger than ever.

«I think when everything is back under control, it will create a huge demand for travel, said Samantha brown, who leads «Places to Love» on PBS. And I’m not just talking about trips to remote places but also in their country. We want to reconnect with the people.»

Pavia Rosati, who founded travel website Fathom, agreed and added that it is likely to be «increased interest in local travel for those who want to stay relatively close to home.» This may be the year when the people of new York who usually go to Greece, instead, will go to Nantucket or Gullah Islands».

Rosati also hopes that the city will reduce mega-mass tourism, especially places such as, for example, Venice.

«The Italian government should start to limit the number of visitors, the daily noise in the city, she said. — And probably even need to ban cruise ships the size of a shopping center, which planted tens of thousands of people in the city, making it narrow streets impassable for the Venetians who are just trying to get home from work. If this crisis can help us become smarter and less selfish in how we behave when we go into the world of travel after the crisis will be better.»

As the recovery of the tourism industry travel opportunities will be more limited.

«One of the advantages is that people will not take for granted the ease of travel and the freedom to explore many places, said Melissa Biggs Bradley, CEO and founder of Indagare, a company planning tours. — There will be less excessive «fastfudnogo» tourism».

Experts of the tourist industry point out that will gain popularity, countries such as, for example, Singapore and South Korea, which carried out a successful response to the coronavirus. Tourists, these countries will be considered as a safe and «clean».
