What is DACA and why did it cancel

What is DACA and why did it cancel

What is DACA?

The program Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) was intended to allow «dreamers» — children of illegal immigrants living in the United States to avoid deportation and obtain a work permit. The program duration was 2 years with option to extend.

When Obama announced the launch of the programme, he noted that DACA is a temporary action and not a path to citizenship. The necessity of introduction of the programme was justified by the fact that Congress has failed to enact legislation authorizing the issue of immigrant children.

What is DACA and why did it cancel

In 2014, almost 70 000 children and adolescents without an escort were detained on the southern border while trying to get from Central America to the USA — and this figure was 77% higher than in 2013.

Among the opponents of immigration, such as the attorney General Jeff sessions, was born the opinion that the program Obama is the reason for the influx of unaccompanied minors in the United States. Trump also spoke clearly on this subject:

«The launch of the DACA by the Obama administration after Congress has repeatedly rejected this approach, has caused a humanitarian crisis — a massive surge of unaccompanied minors from Central America, including young people, who may become members of gangs such as MS-13, across our country.»

But this theory is not confirmed, since the program provides a sufficient number of constraints, according to which unfair or newly arrived immigrant children are not protected by DACA. The requirements for DACA were as follows:

  • arrival in the United States until 16 years accompanied by parent
  • permanent residence in the United States from 15 June 2007 to 15 June 2012
  • a secondary education,
  • the lack of criminal record etc.

Pay attention to the rules for DACA, including arrival in the U.S. before the announcement of DACA Obama, which took place on 15 June 2012, as well as the arrival with the parent and permanent residence in the United States for five years.
The Washington Post in 2014 said they found a note by border patrol and interviews with children detained at the border in 2014, indicate that «the main reason teenagers have entered the United States, was to be able to use the «new» U.S. law that provides a free pass or permit from the government.»

Doris M. Meissner, who was Commissioner of immigration of the United States during the Clinton administration, said that the promise of «resolution» is not related to DACA.

Instead, children from countries that do not border with the United States, were allowed to remain in the U.S. with relatives until the time came for deportation hearings and the hearings in turn, could last a year or longer.

A key reason for this situation was the law on combating human trafficking, signed in 2008 by George Bush. According to the Law on protection from violence against victims of trafficking, within 72 hours after determining that the child is unaccompanied minors from another country other than Mexico or Canada, that child should be transferred to border patrol custody Management of resettlement of refugees. Almost all of these children — 90 percent — were sent to relatives in USA to wait for the hearing; the rest were placed in foster care.

The researchers Catalina Amadeo-Dorantes and Thitima Puttitanun came to the conclusion that the law on combating human trafficking as well as violence and bad economic conditions at home led to an increase in the number of unaccompanied minors, then as a program Obama has not had a significant impact.

Possible DACA contributed to the realization that Obama condescendingly refers to illegal immigrants, but it is difficult to draw a direct line between the program and the jump in the number of illegal immigrants, as they try to do sessions and trump.

The current state of Affairs

On Tuesday, Donald trump made a statementin which she explained the need to cancel DACA.

«My main goal is to protect the American people and the Constitution of the United States. I agree that young immigrants should not have to pay for the actions of their parents. But we must also recognize that we live in a country of laws.»

Trump accused Obama of starting the program to bypass Congress. Legislation offering the same benefits, was repeatedly introduced in Congress and were refused each time.

«Turning to the idea of new immigration rules, Obama said, «I can’t do it yourself,» but he could, bypassing Congress and violating the basic principles that support our Republic.

U.S. attorney General, the attorneys General of many States and virtually all experts in the field of law announced that the program is illegal and unconstitutional and cannot be successfully defended in court.»

The Department of homeland security will soon begin the program to stop DACA. New applications for permits to work will not be accepted, but all existing permits will be honored until their expiry date. «It’s a gradual process, not sudden failure. I’m not going to destroy the immigration program, I call on Congress to act,» said Donald trump.

«Notice, in the district of Columbia complying with Federal immigration law was both predictable and tragic consequences: lower wages, unemployment for American citizens, difficulties in local schools and hospitals, unlawful entry of dangerous drugs and cartels… And billions of dollars in costs paid by US taxpayers. But in Washington, few people expressed compassion for the millions of Americans affected by this unjust system.

I look forward to working with Republicans and Democrats in Congress to solve all these questions in the first place considering the interests of hard-working citizens of our country. Our priorities in this area at the moment — improving jobs, rising wages, and security for Americans.»
