Korea is planning another missile test

Korea is planning another missile test

Russian news Agency RIA «Novosti» reports that Anton Morozov, a member of the Commission on international Affairs, and two Russian lawmakers, after returning from the capital of North Korea said that Korea is preparing to conduct a test with his next rocket.

Morozov claims that he was shown drawings and calculations, which prove that the projectile long-range «may hit the Western coast of the United States.»

Korea is planning another missile test

Comments Morozova almost instantly raised the prices on US Treasury bonds, as investors, worried about the prospect of new missile tests, is considered the most secure solution in times of uncertainty.

News Agency Reuters could not verify the data obtained from Morozov, as he explained in an interview with Russian media, which North Korean officials provided him with information about the planned test. RIA only reports that the delegation was taken «at the highest level.»

For the past few weeks, tensions in relations between the US and North Korea was very high since Pyongyang conducted a series of missile tests. In addition, on 3 September, the Koreans conducted a test explosion of a shell, which was presumably the hydrogen bomb.

On Monday the United States will celebrate Columbus Day. To create resonance, the Korean government could choose a holiday for their tests. Kim Jong-UN has staged missile tests so that they coincided with the American public holidays. The last time a similar situation occurred in the U.S. independence Day, July 4.
