In the investigation of the interference of Russia in the 2016 election brought the first charges

In the investigation of the interference of Russia in the 2016 election brought the first charges

Friday, October 27, in the capital of the United States Federal Grand juryconvened by special Prosecutor Robert Mueller, launched the first charges in the investigation regarding the intervention of the Russian Federation in the presidential race of 2016.

Sources familiar with the case, said that all who will press charges, can be behind bars. There’s no word yet on who was involved in this case. The special representative of the law firm refused CNN in the comments.

In the investigation of the interference of Russia in the 2016 election brought the first charges

In Reuters reported that the person, at least one suspect will be known on Monday when will an opened package with a judge’s order.

We will remind, the Deputy public Prosecutor Rod Rosenstein was appointed chief Mueller to conduct an independent investigation of the relations of the representative of the Republican party trump with Russia in the presidential elections. It happened once already elected head of state suddenly fired FBI Director James Komi.

According to the order of Rosenstein, Mueller empowered to investigate «any issues that have arisen or may arise during the investigation.»

Earlier in the Washington Post, citing its own sources reported the obstruction of justice by the President, who may have tried to hinder the investigation.
