Deported from U.S., Russian diplomats watched the defectors

Sources from us intelligence confirmed that several employees of diplomatic agencies of the Russian Federation, expelled in March from the US, conducted surveillance of escaped from Russia citizens. They were especially interested in former employees of intelligence, academics and politicians. It is reported by CNN.

According to journalists, the so-called «diplomats«really were intelligence agents of the Russian Federation. Their main task was hunting down of defectors, their personal and working relationships.

People close to US intelligence, reported that in one case, suspected of espionage diplomats have been monitoring the former citizen of the Russian Federation, which was submitted to the CIA program for the protection of witnesses. This case and other intelligence confirms: Russia has made substantial efforts to search for people whom the authorities consider «traitors«.

An official CIA spokesman refused to comment on the matter, as employees of the administration of the President of the United States. Earlier, the representative of America to the UN , Nikki Haley said that a large part of the expelled diplomats were actually served the mission for espionage. Their activities are related structures, such as the FSB and GRU of Russia. The Russian Embassy in the United States did not wish to comment on this situation.

In March 2018 in the British city of Salisbury was poisoned by a former employee of the Russian intelligence service , Sergei Skripal and his daughter Julia. They were discovered unconscious in one of the shopping centers. The UK authorities stated that the source of the poisoning was fighting stuff «Novice«, developed in the Soviet Union. Russia has accused of being responsible for the attack, which dozens of countries in the world sent more than a hundred Russian diplomats.

British and American intelligence agencies have repeatedly stated the involvement of members of the diplomatic mission of the Russian Federation to illegal surveillance. The Russian leadership denies involvement in any such violations.
