Ukraine experienced American Javelin ATGM and said he will apply them in the case of Russia

The armed forces of Ukraine conducted the first tests of anti-tank missile system Javelinprovided by the United States. Soldiers carried out the shooting and demonstrated a willingness to use these weapons against a conventional enemy. In addition to American anti-tank systems, tests were also Ukrainian development, in particular, the missile system Stugna-P.

Thank you to the President of the USA @realDonaldTrump, VCE-President @mike_pence, Menstru Defense James Metts, Diresctory @SecPompeo the Senate and Congress of the United States for tarde rsena about those scho Ukraine got booty osbrone

— Petro Poroshenko (@Poroshenko) May 22, 2018

The President of Ukraine, commenting on the shooting, said that this armament is extremely defensive in nature. At the same time, he noted that the Javelin, like the government, will be used to repel a possible attack of the Russian Federation on positions of the APU.

Kiev and Washington believe that the modern ATGM will be one of the factors of long-term defense, in that case, if Russia will try to continue the annexation of Ukrainian territories. With regard to the leadership of the Russian Federation, according to him, the supply of arms destabilisateur the situation and provoke the use of force by the APU.

Test of missiles was conducted in the North of the country, away from the front line. This was done to ensure that fighters of DNR and LNR, it was not possible to declare the use of the Javelin at the line of contact.

Finally this day nastav!

At vpershe in Ukraine vabolis launches raketnyh complex #Javelin. Zavdyaki m bojov features #ZSU digit sroki.

TSE duzhe effective defense weapon, Yak zastosovuyutsya Razi the stepping of the Russian Federation on Ukrainian posits viysk.

— Petro Poroshenko (@Poroshenko) May 22, 2018

However, despite all precautions, the situation in the East of Ukraine escalates. OSCE observers declare sharp increase in the number of attacks, drawing Parallels with the active phase of hostilities 2014-15. Experts believe that in this way Russia is trying to artificially create the impression that the supply of American missiles really escalate the situation in the region.

Recall that the United States March 2, 2018 approved the delivery of anti-tank systems Javelin to Ukraine. The amount of the transaction amounted to $47 million. It has sold 37 complexes and 210 missiles to them. According to Poroshenko, these systems delivered in military aid. US special envoy Kurt Volker said that America will not only be limited to the provision of the Javelin and will continue to provide military support to Ukraine.
