Trump said that he has no competitors in the presidential election of 2020

On 13 July, in an interview with the Mail on Sunday, Donald trump announced his intention to run for U.S. President for a second term. The American leader is sure that in the race to 2020 he does not and will not be worthy contenders among the Democrats.

«I don’t see anybody. I know them all, and I don’t see nobody», — said the President of the United States journalist Pierce Morgan.

In an interview with the British edition of trump shared not only with plans for the future, but the details of the meeting with Elizabeth II.

To the question of Morgan, if they discussed with the Queen during a tea party Brexit, trump answered in the affirmative: «She (the Queen. — said it was very — and she’s right — a very difficult problem. I think nobody knew how difficult it would be… thought, «Oh, that’s easy! We join, or not join, or look what will happen.»

By the way, revealing the content of the conversation with Her Majesty, trump violated Royal Protocol.

A meeting with 92-year-old Elizabeth II, the President of the United States described as «very beautiful» and «elegant». «It was really something special», — said the head of the White house.

The Queen herself has made trump the impression of «incredible women.» «She’s so insightful, so beautiful. When I say “beautiful” — [I mean] internally and externally, — he stressed. Is a beautiful woman.»

Tomorrow, Donald trump will meet in Helsinki with Russian President Vladimir Putin.
