Baldwin called for the «overthrow» of the government trump (video)

Hollywood actor Alec Baldwin, whose parodies of the President of trump applauded by many Americans, urged people to peacefully and legally «overthrow» the government… by voting.

«The way in which we produced changes in America is the election, said Baldwin October 14, at the annual meeting to raise funds for the Democratic party of new Hampshire. And just so orderly, formal, and legally we need to overthrow the government of the United States with Donald trump».

The actor is thus encouraged to vote for Democrats during the midterm elections, which will be held next month.

According to Baldwin, the Republicans «shrug» when it comes to the investigation of accidents with the use of firearms, and «spit in the face» to the rest of the world in response to the call to revise outdated energy policies of America.

Did not fail to mention the actor about the recent scandal with the appointment of Brett kavanaugh to the Supreme court. In his opinion, it showed that Republicans consider women unworthy of constitutional protection at the same level as it is to men.

«They are sons, husbands, fathers, and yet, when the time is right in the middle of traffic #metoo to ignore the policy and to prove that women’s rights are more important than political gain, they were defeated and it was disgusting,» said Baldwin.

About the immigration policy of the current administration, the actor said that dark-skinned people «who are looking for a decent place,» White house gives no hope, no solutions.

«Let’s make America great again, making Donald trump the casino operator,» the paraphrased Baldwin the call of the President, and after dinner said that every morning wakes up «terrified» due to the fact that trump is still the President.

We will remind, last night premiered the new transmission at the ABC Baldwin — Alec Baldwin Show. It will be the conversation tete-a-tete with celebrities and cultural figures.

Alec Baldwin is confident of victory in the presidential election in 2020

Alec Baldwin during an interview with host Howard stern said that if he decides to run for President of the United States, is a thousand times will pass current President of Donald trump.

Baldwin called for the «overthrow» of the government trump (video) Website
