Scientists: sound the attack on the U.S. Embassy in Havana in 2016 staged crickets

Sound the attack on the U.S. Embassy in Cuba in November 2016, which suffered several diplomats, seriously complicated relations between the two countries.

The employees of the Embassy had complained of severe headache, hearing loss and nausea. In total about 20 people were in hospital with various brain injuries, including concussion. There were rumors that vs diplomats had applied some kind of sonic weapon — or microwaves.

Two years, scientists tried to find out what this weapon is and how to resist him. As it turned out, would be amiss and sneakers…

Alexander Stubbs from the University of California, Berkeley, and Fernando La carte restaurant-Zapata from the University of Lincoln in England, studied provided them audio, said the New York Times on Friday, January 4, that it is absolutely assured: the records — the mating songs of males of Indian short-tailed crickets.

The songs these guys are a continuous buzzing «z — z-z-z-z-z-z» — high frequency and volume. The only way they can attract females. Mr. Stubbs, who recorded somehow short-tailed crickets in Costa Rica found that their songs have a very depressing effect on people. «They are incredibly loud, the scientist said. — You can hear them from the diesel truck masago on the highway at a speed of 40 miles per hour.»

#SonicAttack on US embassy in #Havana could be song of Indies short-tailed #cricket: #AnurogryllusCelerinictus is not a weapon.
By @iansample >
Research >

— Fernando Beretta (@FerBeretta) January 6, 2019

Remains a small discrepancy in the nature of short-tailed crickets emit relatively short and shrill sound, as American diplomats harassed more stretched and as if fonyaschih. The mismatch is eliminated, catching fellow «suspects» in the period of his personal life and placing in the room. Bouncing off the walls, the sound is acquired such effect. The recording of the cricket on the tests coincided with the entry from the Embassy in Havana.

Scoundrels have ruined Obama’s warming between the U.S. and Cuba, it was possible to prilipnet read «Times» or neutralize a poison.

ICYMI: My latest on the “sonic weapon” mystery in Cuba. Biologists listened to the spooky recording made by American diplomats and heard…the Indies short-tailed cricket. (Image: )

— Carl Zimmer (@carlzimmer) January 5, 2019

However, biological trace does not negate the conspiracy theories. Because now we need to figure out how crickets got into the Embassy. Whether on its own free will they chose in 2016, this is the place for mating?
