In NY for two years ICE arrested 374 people

The project for the protection of immigrants IDP has published a report which examined the scale of arrests of immigrants by migration police departments ‘ ICE in new York. Significantly increased not only the number of arrests, but the facts of surveillance and the use of force during the arrest.

In NY for two years ICE arrested 374 people

According to the data published in the report, in 2017-2018 in new York forces ICE arrested 374 people (for comparison, in 2016, arrested 11 people). The report formed on the basis of the data submitted by lawyers and NGOs. According to these data, increased the number of raids, provocations and targeted actions against specific individuals. there have been instances when ICE officers were acting as police to force immigrants to give various readings or follow them. Also increased the number of «Perekrestok» in the courtroom, where the immigrant, recognized as innocent of police charges, immediately detained by ICE officers.

«The vast majority of cases, ICE officers during his arrest and refused to identify himself and show his documents. Did not give explanations about the reasons of arrest. This occurred despite the fact that the internal requirements of the Agency require from the officers providing this information to the detainee», — the report says.

Among the social groups most affected by the activity of ICE, called the young people.

There also were acts against loved ones informed zadergannyh and detention in the courtroom of persons who came to attend the hearings of their loved ones. The report describes the case when the mother and son, leaving the criminal courthouse in Brooklyn, were subject to attacks by officers of the ICE:

«When two men in civilian clothes grabbed his son and dragged him to the unmarked car, the woman, fearing that this kidnapping, asked the assailants, who they were, but she was not given explanations. Instead, a third officer pushed the woman to the wall, telling her several times to shut up. The agents left, leaving the mother in the street in horror that her son was kidnapped. She didn’t know that it was the arrest of ICE until later the same day got a call from his son from ICE offices».

The authors of the report from the IDP and I believe that such ICE actions undermine the judicial system and its fundamental principles of openness, accessibility and security. Immigrant advocates urge lawmakers in new York to take action to protect the court and everyone who is drawn to him from the actions of ICE officers.

Among other things, the report noted expansion in the last two years the territory where actively pursuing their action ICE. «In 2018, the immigration and customs security (ICE) has significantly expanded the operation to arrest and surveillance in the courts of new York, continuing a disturbing trend that began with the inauguration of President Donald trump. … Increased the geographical scope of operations,» the report said. The arrests took place in several districts and localities not previously covered in the work of the migration police. While the leaders still remains new York, which held 75% of arrests. Most in the Bronx, Brooklyn and Queens.
