Sarah Sanders: God «wanted Donald trump became President»

Press Secretary of the White house Sarah Sanders stated that she believes that God wanted Donald trump has won the presidential elections in 2016.

«I think God calls all of us to fulfill different roles at different times, and I think he wanted Donald trump became the President, Sanders said in an interview with the Christian Broadcasting Network (CBN). That’s why he’s there, and I think he did a great job at many things, who really care about the believers.»

The press Secretary also said that trump was «a born leader», especially when it comes to immigration policy.

The speaker of the house Nancy Pelosi said that the border wall «immoral». Asked by journalists about what Sanders thinks about this statement, she replied that it was «ridiculous».

«The idea that the protection of the people of your country, which is the main duty of the President of the United States, in a sense, immoral — absurd charges», — said the representative of the administration, adding: «Honestly, at this point it’s hard to even listen to lecture Democrats about what is moral and what is not.»

The desire of the President trump’s funding of the wall on the border with Mexico has caused a crisis in Congress and the longest government shutdown in U.S. history. Last Friday, January 25, the President signed a law to suspend the 35-day shutdown. But it may be just the calm before the storm.

If, before February 15 the Congress will not come to a compromise, the re-closure is inevitable. Trump demands to build a wall of $5.7 billion, Pelosi said that he «will get nothing».

Speaking about why the White house are not conducted daily briefings and how the White house conveys its message without them, Sanders said: «the President interacts with the media more than any President in history. He is the most sociable, and I think the White house is the most open when it comes to the media».

«Our team and, of course, the President has no desire to withhold information,» — said the spokesman.
