Nancy Pelosi is against impeachment trump, because he’s not worth it to «divide the country»

The speaker of the house of representatives and one of the most influential Democrats Nancy Pelosi said that President Donald trump does not meet the requirements of his position, but he shouldn’t be impeached.

Yesterday, March 11, Joe Heim of the Washington Post in an interview with Pelosi asked the opinion of the speaker about the necessity of impeachment.

«I thought about it: impeachment is so divides the country, what if there is something as intractable, overwhelming, and something that will support from 2 parties, I don’t think we should go this way, because it will divide the country, said Pelosi. And he’s just not worth it.»

But when Heim asked policy whether trump for President, it is said that he is not his status as an ethically and politically, and intellectually.

«No, I don’t think he’s suited to be President of the United States,» said Pelosi.

On the question of whether the current political climate in Congress, the most controversial for the last 32 years, Pelosi replied: «Yes.» The speaker added that he is not only the most controversial but also the most serious.

«We have a very serious challenge to the Constitution of the United States in connection with the unconstitutional infringement of the President in the Constitution, the first branch of government, the legislative branch — focused Pelosi. — Serious, because, again, we are talking about our fundamental foundations; it is not our policy.»

A member of the house of representatives Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez , commented on the statement of the leader of the Democrats. The Congresswoman told reporters that he respects the position of the speaker, but doesn’t think impeachment trump is irrelevant.

«She has always demonstrated leadership, including all kinds of factors. From a legal point of view, I don’t think it can ever be 100% irrelevant, but if that’s how she feels I respect it,» said Ocasio-Cortez.

According to the politician-beginner, words, Pelosi not mean that she intends to put an end to talk of impeachment.

«The whole point of our democracy is that, if we disagree, we have a responsibility to openly podiskutirovat about why this is so, and to take this into account», — said the Congresswoman.

However, Ocasio-Cortez believes that trump has committed an act that qualifies as a criminal offense, give rise to an impeachment. Most likely, the Congresswoman is referring to the state of emergency to Finance the wall.
